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Most Recent 
Successful Cases

Attorney Aaron Korson discusses examples of cases and how they were handled with skilled litigation plans and proper execution for his clients.


Learn how your case can be handled to gain the wants and needs within your case successfully.


It is important to remember that each case is different. The facts of other cases may be similar to yours, but the result may not be the same.


To understand your case more and to learn how Attorney Aaron Korson can assist you, call one of the best Chicago family lawyers at (312) 971-2581 or book an appointment online.

Dismissal Of DCFS Matter

Attorney Aaron Korson recently won a DCFS case whereby DCFS and it's employees took a two month old infant away from the parents of the child. DCFS had previously indicated (found evidence of neglect) against the mother of the child and used that indication to attempt to take away the baby from the parents.


Upon calling Attorney Aaron Korson on a Friday afternoon, he spent the weekend working to ensure that the details of the case were quickly and thoroughly reviewed.


After finding that DCFS used a prior indication to justify taking a two-month-old infant from his parents, he contacted the caseworker on the matter and found that there was no valid justification due to a lack of immediate harm or a finding of abuse or neglect for the infant.


Working with the caseworkers on the matter and his clients, an interview was conducted. The clients carefully and diligently disclosed the appropriate information to express that a finding of abuse or neglect as impossible.


The infant was returned to his parents, and the investigation was closed. Without an attorney handling the DCFS matter and working with the parents, there was a significant risk that DCFS could have wrongfully taken the child on a longer period of custodial time.


If you need assistance with a DCFS case in Cook County, call attorney Aaron Korson at (312) 971-2581 or book an appointment online by visiting Chicago Family Attorney, LLC's booking page.

baby being held by mother

Child Custody & Child Support Trust Win

Recently, Attorney Aaron Korson worked for several years trying to get a non-compliant father who was worth several million dollars to pay his child support.


The father in the case continued to spend millions of dollars and refused to participate in court proceedings. Finally, after three years, Mr. Korson found funds within a Fidelity bank account that had been transferring payments over the course of several years in large quantities. 


The Cook County Circuit Court agreed that due to the father's inability to pay for his child's adequate child support and inability to cooperate with the court that it was in the best interest of the minor child to freeze $485,000 dollars which was ultimately used to open a child support trust for the wellbeing of his son.


This was not a typical case due to the fact that the parties were never married. Usually, under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA), the parties are married or have gone through a divorce, but by applying the applicable court cases and statutory law, the court agreed with Attorney Aaron Korson's analysis.


If you need assistance with a family law case or divorce, call the attorneys at Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC. By speaking with Chicago Attorney Aaron Korson, you are ensuring that a top attorney in family law is there to help. To speak with Attorney Aaron Korson, call (312) 971-2581.

father holding sons hand

Multiple Order of Protection Wins For Attorney Aaron Korson

This November 2024, Attorney Aaron Korson represented five separate clients and managed to gain dismissals as well as favorable verdicts. Each of the five cases presented their own issues, but by working with one of the best order of protection attorneys in Chicago, each client managed to win their case.


Two cases involved fathers who frivolously filed orders of protection against mothers of children to try and gain child custody without merit.


Each of the fathers failed within their case, and custody was returned to the mothers thanks to Attorney Korson's litigation experience.


Another case involved a grandmother who tried to gain guardianship of a minor child from her daughter and her husband. The grandmother was clearly under the impression that she could control whether or not the husband of her daughter should be involved in the child's life, but there was not any proof that any abuse occurred. The guardianship matter was ultimately dismissed, and both orders of protection cases were dismissed.


Thanks to Attorney Korson's experience in trial court and hard work, each of these clients managed to win the appropriate child custody and guardianship of minor cases.


To hire Mr. Korson for your order of protection or child custody case, call (312) 971-2581 or book an appointment online.

scale of justice and gavel in courtroom
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